Do you sit around and wonder why you are here$%: How about what it is you are supposed to do$%: Of course you do because you are like millions of others who know in their hearts they were placed on this earth to do something with their lives and not be one of the commoners who lead the lives of the oft quoted line of quiet desperation.

You can do something about it today. You can go to bed tonight on a different course, one of your own choosing, one that leads to the life you've been dreaming about. It is not an easy course of action but it is doable for anyone who will spend the time to focus on what they really want and put forth the effort to get there. It all begins right now.

The following steps will get you there. They aren't a quick fix or the magic carpet ride you hear about in the get rich quick literature that rips off so many in our day. They are simple steps that worked in my life and I know will work in yours if you do.

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1. Where do you want to go$%: Only you can decide. In your quiet moments where do you want to go with your life$%: If you had no restrictions and a magic wand, what would you be doing right now$%: Remember, there are always two creations of everything you see whether it be a new building or a life. That new building you drive by was first created in someone's mind, then on a blueprint and then it is built for use. That is the way it will work with your life. You have to see it first then create it.

2. Where are you now$%: Here is where the no more BS comes in. You have to go and look in the mirror and admit exactly where you are right now, this minute. If you are broke then say "I'm broke." If you are fat and wish to be thin then say, "I'm fat." As a recovering alcoholic (over thirty years now) I couldn't stop drinking until I said, "I'm an alcoholic". The only way you can put the plans in place to reach your dreams is to know where you are leaving from... if you don't you'll miss the mark guaranteed.

3. How do you cross the gap$%: Once you have determined where you are going and this could be starting a business or becoming a better person... you know the goal you are trying to accomplish. Once you have looked in the mirror and been honest with the only person that counts in this game you know where you are now and that makes you ready to look at the work ahead. You have determined the gab between where you are and where you want to go. Now you build the bridge of change that will carry you across the gap. This is where you build the plan that 'is' your bridge to a new tomorrow. You answer the question of just what will it take to succeed. The answer is not just in physical things like money. It is in the effort it will take such as working in to the night, getting up early and going the extra mile in your efforts. Once you've built your plans the next step is the decision to go or not go.

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4. Will I make the commitment to change$%: Making the decision to commit requires another trip to the mirror. Maybe you want to go off and reflect as to just how bad you want your dream. Only you can answer but this is where, after counting the cost of reaching your new tomorrow, you decide to go for it and be different than all the masses out there who whine everyday. You decide to commit to reach your dreams and launch into your new life. I am talking about a full commitment that says I will reach my dreams or die trying. That is a commitment.

5. Daily discipline... once you commit you get up in the morning, plan in hand, with every step you need to do today noted, and you work to achieve your dream and become the person you were meant to be. Your success or failure will be found in the daily disciplines you complete. At the end of the day what we do is what we believe, all the rest is just talk. The single question that will decide whether you reach your dreams will be do my habits (everyday) match my dreams$%: If they do you are a success at what you set out to achieve and if they don't you fail.

You can do anything you set out to do provided you know where you're going, know where you are and are willing to pay the price to get there. Common men and women achieve their uncommon dreams everyday by doing what others are unwilling to do. We are all capable, but we aren't willing to pay the price of success. You can be different starting today. These five things will work... if you do!

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